This is a breakthrough in supporting the treatment of coughs, flu, runny nose, sore throat, sinusitis, which has been clinically tested, can help stop coughing within seconds to 10 minutes, maintained from 2-8 hours and stop running nose 10-30 minutes after used and can completely eliminate symptoms of cough, inflammation after 3 days of use, reduce stress, ease sleep when used regularly.
In addition, with the effect of high concentration of refined essential treatment oil that can help deodorize quickly, refresh the air by killing bacteria, viruses, allergens.
About 13 million people come to the hospital every year because of a sore throat. Most sore throats are caused by bacterial infections, viruses or air-borne factors.
Symptoms of sore throat include: itching, burning, chills, weak body, swelling in the throat. Patients may have pain when swallowing or talking. The throat or the tonsils may swell …
Besides the typical symptoms, the patient may have other symptoms such as nasal congestion, runny nose, coughing, sneezing, fever, chills. Swelling in the neck. Change the voice. Body aches. Headache. Hard swallowing. Unwell eating.
Virus is the cause of pharyngitis (influenza virus). Rarely, bacteria can also cause disease.
If the sore throat prolong it will become chronic, further prolongation may cause a dangerous complication or risk of cancer of the throat, leading to recurrence. Stage of chronic pharyngitis (persistent pharyngitis) may appear milder, but prolonged, causing many serious complications and risk of throat cancer
Prolonged and regular treatment with antibiotics not only affects the body, but also poses a risk of resistance to most bacteria.
Edeney uses the synthesis of natural essences with the most powerful antibacterial, anti-inflammatory properties among 10 most powerful essential oils such as Lavanduta Offinalis, Pelargonium Rosat Group, Citrus grandis, Cymbopogon nasdus Rendl, Eucalyptus globulus …. to create the Edeney product line with the strongest anti-inflammatory nature and human friendliness due to the natural adaptation process without causing symptoms of drug resistance as in conventional antibiotics.
By using the same method as nebulization when spraying, essential oil vapor immediately creates mist film and evaporates to form fine nanoparticles that directly affect the contraction or inflammation in the respiratory . Nanoscale vapor will have a faster effect, bronchodilator, dilute phlegm, and breath easier. In addition, essence vapors have the ability to penetrate deeply all the goose to quickly reduce the symptoms of inflammation.
The short duration of the vapor reduces the level of compound absorption but acts directly on the inflamed area, so it has an immediate and pronounced effect even eliminating the cough after a few seconds and resolving problems about infections for 2-3 days without using antibiotics
The essential oil compounds are combined to have many different levels of action to help cure immediately the cough and reduce inflammation effectively.
– The essence of Cinnamomum verum, Aniba rosaeodora has the effect of stop stimulating itch in the neck, activating the blood rushing to the infected area to keep warm and enhance the body’s natural resistance.
– Cymbopogon nasdus Rendl, Melaleuca, Eucalyptus globulus … help fight inflammation, kill bacteria, and viruses effectively by decomposing and breaking the virus shield, causing damage to the internal genetic structure that makes the virus inactive or destroyed
– The essence of green tea (Camellia sinensis) helps soothe wounds, scratches caused by coughing and aids healing.
– The essences in Lavanduta Offinalis, Rosa Damascena help relax, comfort and help sleep better. That helps the body enhance resistance and restore itself naturally.
With smart and sophisticated mechanism, Edeney is a famous product in supporting the treatment of coughs, sore throat, sinuses without abusing antibiotics. Especially babies and women during pregnancy
Read the instructions carefully before use

The cause of this pathology is viral. Viruses that can infect the pharynx mucosa include:
- These viruses can be spread through direct or indirect contact with saliva / respiratory secretions of an infected person. In some rare cases, the virus can be transmitted through blood or from mother to baby. Rhinovirus: Đây là chủng virus khá phổ biến và thường gây ra các bệnh lý hô hấp. Statistics show that about 20% of pharyngitis cases occur due to this virus. In addition, rhinovirus also causes rhinitis, tonsillitis, VA, acute laryngitis, …
- Herpes simplex: The herpes simplex virus often causes genital herpes. However, in rare cases, this strain can cause stomatitis, gingivitis and sore throat.
- Epstein-Barr: This virus often causes mononucleosis and papilloma diseases. In addition, Epstein-Barr can cause sore throat and some other respiratory diseases. This strain of the virus not only spreads through saliva and respiratory secretions, but is also able to spread through blood.
- Adenovirus: Adenovirus is a virus that usually causes infections of the throat, tonsils and VA. However, this strain is relatively benign and hardly causes any dangerous complications.
- Influenza virus: Statistics show that up to 50% of patients with sore throat caused by influenza virus (mainly influenza A virus). Influenza viruses are more likely to enter the respiratory tract epithelium and have a higher risk of infections than other viruses.
- Coronavirus: This strain has activity similar to rhinovirus, relatively benign and hardly penetrates into respiratory tract mucosa like flu virus.
- Some other virus strains: In addition, pharyngitis can occur due to some other viruses such as HIV, Cytomegalovirus, Entervirus, Parainfluenza virus, …
Several factors increase the risk of viral pharyngitis, including:
- Atopic allergies
- Weakened immune system
- Smoking cigarettes often
- Living in polluted environment
- Suffering from chronic respiratory diseases such as sinusitis, tonsillitis, …
- Close contact with someone who has a cold, sore throat, tonsillitis, …
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